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Kurt Tomicich

Subject:Hyper V - Powershell module
Category:OS\ Server
Revision Date:2018/01/15 Modified: 2018/01/15
Kurt Tomicich
PowerShell module isn't set up, even when Hyper-V has been installed. This is what I did to enable it:

From PowerShell as administrator:
Article at Altaro VM Backup -

Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName *hyper-v* | select DisplayName, FeatureName

You have three options if you want to install the PowerShell Module on Windows 10. The simplest is to install only the module by using its feature name. Installing either of the two options above it (Hyper-V Management Tools or the entire Hyper-V section) will include the module. I trimmed off the feature name in the images above, so all three possibilities are shown below:
Just follow the above link, I don't want to deal with this right now. Thanks, Rosie

Remove HyperV snapshots:
PS C:\> Get-VM TestVM | Remove-VMSnapshot -Name Experiment*

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