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Kurt Tomicich

Subject:CD Set - KRT
Revision Date:2005/02/28 Modified: 2010/07/19
Kurt Tomicich/KRTKurt Tomicich/KRTNoneNone
's CD Set
Only the "Menu" of Disks will print
Set the top and bottom margins at nothing
Trim the sides
Fold it to however long fits
CDR capacity is 80 min, or 700 MB and an additional 25 MB is required to finalize the CD.

Do not allocate more than 675 MB per volume

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Disk A.7
Boot & Utilities, Setup 1
Modified W98 bootable- Windows, CLI, & DOS level utilities.
Disk B.4
Paragon Hard Disk Manager 10 Server - Technician License
Disk C.5
Kaspersky AV Bootable Rescue Disk 4/23/10
Disk D.3
Offline NT Password & Registry Editor 8/2/2008
Disk E.3
- Acronis Boot Disk -
Disk Director 10 & TI-H2009 & True Image EchoW with Universal Restore
Disk F.4
AMI Diag Suite 2.0
Disk G.4
Windows Memory Diagnostic
Disk H.2
Paragon Drive Backup 10 Pro Recovery Disk
Disk I.4
Macrium Reflect PE Rescue Disk 2.1.2733 w/ Additions
OS.1 - XP Pro SP3 Vol Lic
OS.2 - XP Home SP3 OEM
OS.3 - XP Pro SP3 OEM
OS.4a & OS4b - Media Center SP2 OEM
OS.5 - Vista Home Premium OEM x86
OS.6 - Windows 7 Pro x86 OEM
Show details for DISK LabelsDISK Labels
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Click'N Design 3D labels:
Disk Labels - Shortcut.lnk Disk Labels - Shortcut.lnk
Show details for OLD STUFF!!OLD STUFF!!
Hide details for OLD STUFF!!OLD STUFF!!
OS.4b WXP Media Center 2.cd2 OS.4a WXP Media Center 1.cd2 OS.3 XP Pro SP3 OEM.cd2 OS.3 WXP Pro SP3 OEM.cd2 OS.2 WXP Home SP3 OEM.cd2 OS.1 WXP Pro SP3 Vol Lic.cd2 H.2 Paragon Drive Backup 10 Pro Recovery.cd2 G.4 Windows Memory Diag.cd2 F.4 AmiDiag Suite 2.0.cd2 E.3 Acronis DD10, TIEW, TI2009H.cd2 D.3 Offline NT Password & Registry Editor.cd2 C.5 KAV Rescue.cd2 B.4 Paragon Hard Disk Manager.cd2 A.7 Dos Utility.cd2
Disk A.15
Act! – Internet (Browsers & Utilities) - Power Toys - Visio 2000 - Win VNC 3.3r6 - - Ultra VNC RC18
Disk B.14
Automation - Arcserve for Netware - Boot Disks - CBT Notes R5 Training - Client 32 ver.3.3 - DIAG - Filemaker Pro Server 4 & 5 - Formula One - Label Matrix 5.0 -MSCONFIG & Instructions - Netware 4.11licence - Novell 8a Patch - NT 6a Patch - Ntfs4dos - PC Access - Pia - Performance Now - Procomm Plus 32 v4.7 - Screencam
Disk C.12
Drivers - JetDirect - SonicWall - Phone System
Disk F.12
File Maker Mobile - File Maker Pro 4.1 - File Maker Pro 5 - PCAnywhere 10.5 - CABs - UltraBac 7.03
Disk G.8
NAV CE - SAV Installer and DAT files - Domino 6.5 - SUS
Disk H.8
Nero, and Nero patch - Office 2003 - Palm OS Stuff
Disk K.9
Front Page 2K - Ghost Corporate 8.0 - Ghost 2001 - NT 4 Patches - Image Composer
Disk L.7
Notes R6.5 - Notes Client, Designer & Admin 6.0.1- SureTrak 3.0a, Spam Sentinel
Disk M.9
Adobe Acrobat 6 (Full) - Responsive Time Logger - Windows Utilities
Disk O.3j UPDATE
Windows 98 Bootable DOS Utilities CD
Windows XP Pro Corp Ed. Full Installation Disk with SP1 and Hot Fix Rollup 1
Disk S.1
Acronis Disk Director Bootable Partition Management CD

Submitted for review on 2/28/2005
Review completed by Kurt Tomicich on 2/28/2005

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