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Kurt Tomicich

Subject:SysPrep Notes
Revision Date:2017/04/25 Modified: 2017/04/26
Kurt Tomicich
Windows 10 - Customize Base Image Database 'KRT Docs', View 'By Category', Document 'Customize base image - Default User'

Sysprep is installed with every version of Windows. You must always run Sysprep from the %WINDIR%\system32\sysprep directory.

Answer File
Using instructions at: Requires System Image Manager (SIM) from the Deployment Tools module of the Windows ADK
Can NOT use an ISO or bootable media created by the Media Creation Tool - I ended up getting an ISO through the Windows and Office ISO Downloader Changes I made to the SetupConfig: This is W10 1703 PowerShell Command as Administrator:
Ran into an issue applying Generalize at one point because there was a temp user that had a provisioned App which I had removed from Provisioning. LINK

The /detecthal option in the Boot Configuration Data (BCD) enables a system that has already run Sysprep to install the correct HAL.

Boot into Audit Mode Make customizations
After your customizations are completed, insert the media that contains the CopyProfile answer file in the reference computer. For example, you can copy the answer file to a USB drive.
On the reference computer, open an elevated command prompt, and then type this command:
C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\Sysprep /generalize /oobe /shutdown /unattend: F:\CopyProfile.xml

Using System Image Manager on a technician computer:
In the Windows Image pane, expand Components, right-click amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup, and then click Add Setting to Pass 4 specialize.
In the Answer File pane, select the Components\4_specialize\amd64-Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup_neutral folder.
In the Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup Properties pane, in the Settings section, type the value CopyProfile = true.

you can specify a separate Unattend.xml file by using the Sysprep /unattend:<file_name> option. For more information, see Sysprep Command-Line Options.

Sysprep /generalize - Prior to imaging
Preserve device drivers -
OOBE - Out Of Box Experience Audit Mode Detecting the state of a Windows Image - You can use Sysprep to identify the state of a Windows image. That is, you can determine whether the image will boot to audit mode or OOBE, or if the image is still in the process of installation

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