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Kurt Tomicich

Subject:Corrupted Registry: won't boot
Category:OS\ *Tips
Revision Date:2005/02/15 Modified: 2008/01/28
Kurt TomicichKurt Tomicich/KRTNoneNone
Warning: This will put the registry back to the point it was at when Setup completed. Many programs will need to be reinstalled.

MS KB article 307545 @;en-us;307545

  1. Boot to the Recovery Console.
  2. At the Recovery Console command prompt, type the following lines, pressing ENTER after you type each line:
  3. Type exit to quit Recovery Console. Your computer will restart.
Note This procedure assumes that Windows XP is installed to the C:\Windows folder. Make sure to change C:\Windows to the appropriate windows_folder if it is a different location.

- OR -

You can copy the text in step two, and then create a text file called "Regcopy1.txt" (for example). To execute this file, run the following command when you boot into Recovery Console:

Submitted for review on 2/15/2005
Review completed by Kurt Tomicich on 3/7/2005

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